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Development Update

Published: December 03, 2021

As the Development moves forward, we wanted to let you know about the next step, and keep you informed.

The paving company will begin paving the streets for Phase IIA in the middle of January. In preparation for that, they will begin the process by spreading a liming mixture on the soil. This is intended to stabilize the soil, and prepare it for paving. This will begin next week, weather dependent.

Please be advised, that the liming mixture is caustic to humans, and pets, and if exposed to the skin, or ingested, may cause rashes, irritation to the eyes or skin, and if ingested, you should seek medical attention immediately. Please be cognizant of your children and pets during this process.

This process is planned to take about 2 weeks, but will be in Phase IIA, away from the residents.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

WellSpring Estates HOA

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